© 2015-2024 Народный Инвестиционный Банк
Utility payment
Курсы Валют

Покупка Продажа ЦБ
$ USD 84.8 94 85.41
EUR 92.45 102 93.1711
¥ CNY 8.00 - 11.7408
£ GBP 90.00 - 110.3326
CZK 1.5 - 36.5234
Utility payments will no longer cause you any trouble if you entrust them to "NIB" JSC. All regular payments will be carried out accurately and accurately. You have the opportunity to pay everyday expenses in the offices of our Bank:

- rent and utilities
- mobile and home phone
- intercity and international negotiations
- satellite and cable TV
- Internet access
- payment of taxes on car owners and traffic fines
- and more

Money transfers from accounts (deposits) and without opening an account
- Intra-bank transfers (except for transfers without opening an account) - free of charge
- Outgoing transfers to other banks
- Payments to the budget and equivalent payments - free of charge
- Utility payments, telephone communication services - 2% of the amount, (min 30 rubles)
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